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Minutes 12-10-13
Holland Conservation Commission
~27 Sturbridge Road, Holland Ma 01521

Minutes of Commission meeting held on December 10th, 2013
Present Members: Chairperson, James Wettlaufer; Patricia Caron; Fran Gallo.
Absent: Neil Byrne; Marcia Beal
7:00 pm. James Wettlaufer, Chairperson, called meeting to order.
Motion by JW to waived reading and accept minutes from November 26th; PC (2nd).
  • Elias Hanna called during meeting regarding property located corner of Sturbridge and Leno Road - DEP File#184 -0287, Map 3/B/46/1.  EH asked for assistance in bringing up HCC minutes on Town Website- FG advised Mr. Hanna she would call right back after meeting with specific instructions.   
  • Tracy Libretto, 221 Mashapaug Road – still has not received a file number from DEP.  Questioned how to comply with Enforcement Order (please see: Leslie Duthie, under “Walk ins” below).  Copy of minutes will be sent to TL after they have been approved.
  • Leslie Duthie, botanist consultant, representing Kathleen Hunt of 225 Mashapaug Rd, R28/F/3, DEP FILE# 184-0292 - in answer to Enforcement Order.
  • LD drew attention to colored detail map of proposed 100 to 150 square foot rain garden.
  • LD advised members the problem was with the ditch: The ditch will open up about a foot to allow water out of the channel and into the rain garden - The rain garden will be 12-15 inches deep, so it will hold the water (allowing sediment to settle), exit from an 8 inch deep and a foot wide trench, and continue on its path towards the lake. The channel would then stop before it reaches the shore so the water would not be discharged directly into the lake.
  • LD added that existing invasive species will be removed from BVW.
  • Per JW, Mark Stinson from DEP issued a file number with the “understanding the rain garden will only be in the buffer zone.” Correspondence and Emails seem to have been sent by both parties, but none seem to have been successfully received. LD will resend information to MS.    
LD stated that they may also want an NOI in Tracy Libretto’s name, 221 Mashapaug Road. TL is selling her home and may wish to put maintenance of the rain garden on the deed.  LD asked that copy of minutes be sent to TL.
  • LD will contact HCC to set up a site visit in the spring.
  • Charles and Andrea Weeks, 10 Lake Shore Drive, R24/C/22 - requesting 4 year extension for previous Orders of Conditions. OOC due to expire January 11th.  Soil absorption system.
Form 7- Extension Permit for Order of Condition Issued and Signed by Members.
7:30 PM Joanne Higgins – Holland Highway Department Clerk – representing Holland Highway Department. Submitted final copy of Bundle NOI for town wide maintenance of all roads maintained by Holland, Ma. Public hearing continued from November 26th.  NOI noted general project description as:
“Maintenance of all town roads: A. Cutting of vegetation along the roadway right of way that have historically been cut; B. Grading Town Dirt Roads; C. Cleaning of drainage ditches, turnouts and settling pools areas, cleaning/replacement of catch basins and cross culvert; D. Paving hard surfaced and gravel road; E. Dam Maintenance; F. Shoulder of roads clearing; G. Clearing of discharge areas.”
  • Final copy will be sent to MS from DEP for approval.
8:05 PM - JW made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by FG. All in favor.
8:06 PM - JW made a motion to adjourn, seconded by PC. All in favor.